Welcome to the Fall Semester!

We are one month into our fall semester and things are going great. All students have already gotten back into the swing of things after our long summer vacation. We have already had several exciting events and looking forward to even more as the semester progresses.

Tsukimi 2014

The first week of school, we celebrated Tsukimi and made odango! We put on our bandannas and aprons and got ready to prepare the dango. Everyone loved rolling the sticky dough in their hands.

Tsukimi 2014
Tsukimi 2014
Tsukimi 2014
Tsukimi 2014

各クラスでは、それぞれのマンスリーテーマに添ったアクティビティーが実施されました。2〜3歳のミッシーマウスでは、「衣服」というテーマでお気に入りの洋服を持ち寄り「Show and Tell」にチャレンジしました。
Our classes have different themes each month. In September, Missy Mouse class had the theme of “clothing” and learned the names of different pieces of clothing, learned how to zip their own jackets by themselves, and even brought in their favorite clothing for show-and-tell.
Missy Mouse Class

Robby Rabbit class learned all about senses through experiments and crafts. Using their senses they guessed what different foods and drinks were, and used veggies to make printed pictures.

Deedee Deer class was learning all about dinosaurs, and made some dinosaurs to bring home. They tried their hands at “excavating fossils” from chocolate chip cookies, and set off volcanoes in the front lawn!
Deedee Deer Class
Deedee Deer Class

We have been trying our best during gym class, too!
Gym class

It was Respect-for-the-Aged day during September, so the children all made presents for their grandparents. We hope you liked them!
Grandparents' Day
Missy Mouse

Robby and Deedee took a trip together to Tenpaku Park. We rode there and back on the city bus. It was a beautiful day!
Tenpaku Park 9/14
Tenpaku Park 9/14

We also had an emergency drill this September. Living in a country which experiences natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, we want all our students to be prepared in case such a situation occurs during school hours. Everyone moved swiftly and carefully to our meeting point.
Emergency Drill
Emergency Drill