2012 Beanstalk Summer School Applications open!

2012 Beanstalk Summer School Applications open! サマースクール5/21より受付開始


「Animal Kingdom」という総合テーマの基、各セッションごとに下記のサブテーマを設け、それらについての知識を増やすと共に、実験的アプローチの楽しいアクティビティーをご用意しております。
電話: 052-808-9930 Eメール: info@i-beanstalk.com

Summer mosaic 1 Science Museum

Once again this year Beanstalk International School will be holding Summer School on the dates listed below. The students are immersed in an all English environment, and naturally absorb the language during the period of study.
Using the Zoo Phonics curriculum as its foundation, the Summer School course also delves into a variety of subjects in the learning centers, providing the children with a rich and educational experience.

Summer mosaic 2

The theme this year is “Animal Kingdom”, which is broken into smaller concepts each week. The session dates and themes, as well as special field trips are outlined below:

Beanstalk Summer School schedule

*1st session 7/19〜7/24 4日間
What is an animal? How did animals begin?動物ってなに? 動物の進化

*2nd session 7/25〜7/27 3日間
Insects. 昆虫の特徴
7/26 虫笛作り@もりころパーク Morikoro Park trip

*3rd session 7/30〜8/3 5日間
Birds&Reptiles 鳥類&爬虫類
7/31 サマーランチパーティー Lunch party@school

*4th session 8/20〜8/24 5日間
Mammal 哺乳類
8/23 東山動物園 Higashiyama Zoo trip

*5th session 8/27〜8/31 5日間
Fish&Crustacean 魚類•甲殻類
8/30 港水族館 Nagoya port aquarium

   9:00〜9:20 1回600円 延長30分単位600円
