Sports Day 2020

Sports Day 2020

What a great Sports Day we had this year!.

Sports Day 2020

There were many different games that had each team battling it out against.

Sports Day 2020

The preschool and kindergarten races were particularly exciting. It was almost neck and neck through the whole segment.

Sports Day 2020
Sports Day 2020
Sports Day 2020

A quick water break and it was onto…

Sports Day 2020

…the giant underpants race!

Sports Day 2020
Sports Day 2020

After all that running around we had an intermission for performances.

Sports Day 2020

The preschool and kindergarten students performed soran bushi.

Sports Day 2020

All the students were really looking forward to singing in front of their parents. They had been practicing for a few weeks before Sports Day.

Sports Day 2020

We also had an appearance from Freddie Mercury….s….

Sports Day 2020

After some lunch we got back to the events.

Sports Day 2020

The Missy Mouse parents did a good job keeping their kids in the box during the chariot race.

Sports Day 2020

We finished things up with the elementary students facing off in a relay race.

Sports Day 2020

The parents also did a relay race.

Sports Day 2020
Sports Day 2020
Sports Day 2020

We’d like to thank all the parents and family members for participating this year.