2011 Christmas Concert

Annual Christmas Concert


皆さまに素敵なクリスマスがくることを願っております。Merry Christmas!


Yesterday, December 13th, we held our annual Christmas concert.

This year was special as it was the first time ever that we held our Christmas concert outside of Beanstalk. As the student numbers and our dreams increase, we find that we require more and more space.

This year our concert was held at Meitou Cultural Theatre


The children practiced really hard in preparation for the show and did an excellent job on the stage. It was our best concert ever!


Each family at Beanstalk made a Christmas card and brought it to school. They made a lovely display at the entrance of the theatre.

2011 Christmas cards

Everybody had a great time and we are looking forward to more great concerts in the future.

Merry Christmas everybody and a Happy New Year!

See you next year!