2011 Zoo Trip Report

On Friday last week we were very lucky to have fantastic weather for our annual trip to Higashiyama Zoo. Despite it being mid-Spring, it was quite warm and a perfect day for a trip to the zoo.zoo 2011 mosaic

The oldest class, Deedee Deer Class traveled to the zoo from Ueda by subway, which entailed changing trains twice and riding three different train lines. Despite the trains being very full due to peak hour, the children had no problems whatsoever  getting on and off the trains and were very well behaved.

Higashiyama Zoo 2011
Missy Mouse class at the penguin enclosure
Higashiyama Zoo 2011
Robby Rabbit Class
Higashiyama Zoo 2011
Deedee Deer Class

We have a number of school trips planned over the next few months, with Tenpaku Park and Todagawa Kodomo Land coming up in June.