Moon Viewing / Otsukimi


Miss Katherineのレシピに添って米粉をコネコネ。皆大はしゃぎで肝心なお月様よりお団子作りに大興奮。お味のほどは…?でしたが自分で作ったお団子の前で皆そろって「ハイ!ポーズ!」
Robby Rabbit class with the Tsukimi dangos they made themselvesMissy Mouse class

この日Beanstalkは「Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory」ならぬ「Miss Katherine and the Dango Factory」と化しました。

本日のお団子プロジェクトの責任者Miss. Katherine and her recipe.
Miss Katherine's dango recipe

Mission 1:お団子を作る前に手を洗って準備をする。
The first thing we had to do was wash our hands before we handled any food.
Mission 2: Miss Katherine の説明を聞く。
Next we listen carefully as Miss Katherine explains how we are going to make the dangos in her Dango Factory.
Mission 3:分量を計ってボールに入れてお粉をコネコネ!
Carefully measure out the ingredients, and mix them all together until you get the right consistency

Mission 4:お湯でゆでてきな粉とあんこを乗せたら出来上がり!
Boil them in hot water, then roll them in kinako (soy flour) or top them with anko (red bean paste) and they are ready!