Summer School 2010 update


We are now in the middle of our 2010 Nagoya summer school program. The theme this year is “Our environment”, with each of the 4 sessions concentrating on a subtheme.


1st Session

1st セッションでは、「トロピカル•アイランド」のテーマに沿って、沖縄のドーナツ「サーターアンダギー」を作ってお土産に持ち帰りました。

The theme of the first session of summer school was Tropical Islands”.  Okinawa is a tropical island in Japan, so we learned about that. We also made sata andagi, which are sweet deep fried buns of dough similar to doughnuts, native to Okinawa.

We all took turns at different stages of preparing them and they made great presents to take home at the end of the day.

Among the activities in the gym was an obstacle course relay race.

gym activities summerschool 2010

2nd session

2nd セッションでは「海の生物」をたくさん学習し、名古屋港水族館への校外学習も楽しみました。

Marine life was the theme of the second session, and we went for an excursion to the Nagoya Aquarium.
Aquarium 2010

Playing in the pool was one of the activities that the students looked forward to the most. It was a lot of fun, but also very tiring. Pool time at summer school 2010

We also has a lot of first time students, who, after initial nervousness, were able to relax and have a lot of fun while learning.



