Otsukimi Party 2010


Otsukimi Party

In Japan, September is well renowned for the beautiful view of the full moon. During the full moon in September, we make dumplings filled with sweet bean paste and roll them in fine soybean flour. It doesn’t sound very nice when you explain it in English, but they are actually quite tasty.

Otsukimi Party


Otsukimi Party

We do this every year so the older Deedee Deer students take the lead and show how it’s done.
Otsukimi Party

When all the dangos were made, we posed by our creations with a lovely September themed flower arrangement and then ate then for our mid-morning snack.

Otsukimi Party

Our trip to the aquarium 2010

Our field trip to the aquarium
We had planned to collect chestnuts at a farm in Korankei for our autumn field trip this year. It rained the whole week before we were scheduled to go, so we resorted to “Plan B”, which was a  field trip to “Aquatoto Aquarium ” in Gifu prefecture.

We were able to get up really close and take a good look at many fish, including very large and unusual fish from all over the world.

ランチは施設内のレストランへ。貸し切り状態だった為、いつものLunch Songを歌いました。食事の際はお店の人もびっくりする位お利口さんでした。

After viewing all the different types of fish and the seal show we had lunch at one of the restaurants at the aquarium complex.  We had the whole place to ourselves and we sang our usual lunch song, much to the delight of the restaurant staff.

When we were leaving, the manager of the restaurant ran after us to express how impressed they were at how well behaved our students were during lunchtime.

さすがBeanstalk students!!