Tanabata Festival

In July we held our much anticipated Tanabata Festival party. The children had been practicing the Tanabata and other songs as well as musical instruments.

All the students and teachers and some of the parents came in yukatas or jimbeis. Everyone looked very cute and the children were excited to be dressed so nicely and to see their friends in their traditional festival garb.
First off we had a short observation lesson so the parents could see how their children are progressing in their studies.

After that everybody wrote their wishes on their own tanzakus and hung them on the bamboo tree in the hope that they would come true.

Then it was time to show off the songs we had been practicing for weeks. Everybody did a great job singing and playing instruments, with one student playing the Tanabata song on the piano!

Summer School 2008! Applications opening soon.

Hurry up and take the photo!! The sun is so bright!!!

Beanstalk International Schoolでは、下記の期間に於きまして2008 Summer Schoolを開校いたします。All English environmentを体験する事により、お子様の英語に対するアプローチもそれまでとは変わり、より自然に臆することなく取り組んで頂けるようになります。Zoo-phonicsをベースにしたPhonics学習の他、様々な科目を取り入れたLearning Centerはとても充実しており、お子様にとってとても貴重な体験となるでしょう。今回は既にリピーターさんより沢山お問い合わせを頂いておりますので、昨年より早めに募集を開始致します。

There is plenty of time for fun in the pool!

Once again this year Beanstalk International School will be holding Summer School on the dates listed below.

The students are immersed in an all English environment, and naturally absorb the language during the period of study.

Using the Zoo Phonics curriculum as its foundation, the Summer School course also delves into a variety of subjects in the learning centers, providing the children with a rich and educational experience.

We already have many students who participated in Summer School last year wishing to apply again this year, so we will be accepting applications earlier than last year for Summer School 2008.

Summer School dates

  1. July 21 ~ July 25
  2. July 28 ~ August 1
  3. August 18 ~ August 22
  4. August 25 ~ August 29

The application period for beanstalk students will commence June 2, 2008. For non-Beanstalk students, applications will be accepted from June 10th. Please fax the application form to the school at 052-808-9931.
Applications are available from the school, or you can print one out from the link below. If you have any questions about summer school, please feel free to contact us by telephone or email listed below.




Application form in English


Tel: 052 808 9931

There is so much to do at Beanstalk Summer School! The students enjoy an array of activities including arts and craft in addition to studying.

2008 Spring Excursion to the zoo!

Beanstalk International Schoolでは去る5月16日(金)に2008 school excursionと称しプリスクールのお友達、教師、一部のお母様、お父様方総勢43名で東山動物園に行って参りました。
On Friday May 16th, the students, teachers, and some parents (Missy Mouse class) participated in the 2008 Beanstalk Spring Excursion to Higashiyama Zoo. A total of 43 people took part.

Robby Rabbit class at the zoo

入園2年目のRobby Rabbit Classのお友達にとっては、ご親族以外とのお出かけ初体験となり、数日前から皆さんドキドキしつつとても楽しみにしていました。前もってお友達と手をつないで上手に歩く練習をし、走らない、押さない、大きい声で叫ばないなど団体行動のマナーを確認、当日はその成果がバッチリ見られ、迷子もお怪我もなく楽しく帰ってこられました。また日本の幼児が英語で話している姿に外部の方から驚きの声もいただきました!

For Robby Rabbit class, our second year students, this represented the first time that they have gone on an outing without family members! Leading up to the excursion, the children had been very excited about the trip and the days of practicing their “excursion skills”; walking hand in hand, no running, pushing, or shouting, seemed to have paid off and we enjoyed an incident-free day. We also heard complimentary comments from other zoo-goers remarking on our Japanese students conversing with teachers and each other in English!

Missy class at the zooParents joined us with Missy Mouse class at the zoo!

最年少のMissy Mouse Classでは、大混雑にびっくりされたお子様もいらっしゃいましたが、実際に見る動物に大はしゃぎ!保護者の方からは、あんなに幼くても彼らなりの世界あり、お友達とのかかわりも見られた良いチャンスでした…とのお言葉を頂戴いたしました。現地まで送迎して下さった保護者の方、園内に同行して下さった方、どうもありがとうございました。そしてお疲れ様でした。次回のexcursionを楽しみになさってください。

In our younger Missy Mouse class, some of the students were surprised by the large crowds, but were very excited at seeing the animals up close for the first time, not just in pictures. It was a great opportunity for the parents to observe their children in their own word, conversing with friends and developing their social skills.

We would like to thank all the parents who brought their children to the zoo, and also those who joined us inside the zoo as well.


Introducing our new programs

Gym class

Beanstalk International Schoolでは1st semesterより、従来のプリスクール授業カリキュラム内に園内の室内ジムで行う、体操のプログラムを導入しました。

ご入学後一年が経過した方のRobby Rabbit Classのお友達は、これまで毎日繰り返して来たfine motor skill practiceに加え、十分なgross motor skill practice が必要になります。

mosaic4247383.jpgThe children develop their gross motor skills with rope jumping games, balance training and depth perception.


また課外授業の一環として、ご希望の方のみふたばお習字 絵画教室よりお習字の先生をお招きし、ひらがなの練習も始めております。

New Classes Open

Beanstalk International Schoolでは、この春より下記のような方を対象に

1. 幼児帰国子女及び国内インターナショナルスクールプリスクール経験者
  経験のある方 (入会に際し英語力のチェックをさせて頂いた上、

2. 小学生低学年帰国子女及びインターナショナルスクール経験者クラス


Spring School 開校のご案内


Announcing Spring School 2008 at Beanstalk International School.
We are now accepting applications for Spring School 2008. Using the Zoo Phonics preschool curriculum as a base, we have many fun activities lined up.
Immerse your child in a totally English environment this spring.

* First session: March 24-28. Second session: March 31-April 4.
* Open to children aged 3 to 7 years old. (Age and English ability will be considered when deciding class placement.)
* Maximum of 12 students per class. 2 teachers will be assigned to each class.
* 1 session is 5 days a week, from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm.

The Spring School program encompasses not only the Zoo Phonics curriculum, but also art, craft, music and math as well as an aerobic element held in Beanstalk’s wide gymnasium. Students of Beanstalk International School’s Spring School program will receive a full physical and mental workout.

☆The application period for Spring School opens in February. Please contact the school for more information, including application form.

Beanstalk International Schoolではインターナショナル プリスクールの春休み期間中に ’08 Spring Schoolを開校いたします
ご好評頂きましたSummer school同様プリスクールのカリキュラムをベースに様々なアクティビティーをご用意いたします。楽しく充実したEnglish Worldをぜひご経験ください。

* 期間: 1st session 3/24 〜 3/28 2nd session 3/31 〜 4/4
* 対象 : 3歳 〜 7歳 (年齢・英語力を考慮しクラス分けを行います。)
* 定員 : 各クラス12名 (ひとクラスに講師2名)
* プログラム :  1日5時間 9:30 ~ 14:30 1 session 5日間

Zoo-phonicsを用いたphonics学習の他 art & craft , music , math,とBeanstalkの広いジムでのエアロビクス等机でのお勉強だけでなく、思い切り体を動かすアクティビティーもいっぱいです。午後には英会話集中講座を行います。


Beanstalk Introduces Miss. Katherine

As 2008 begins, it is with pleasure that we introduce to you Miss. Katherine from the U.S, who will initially be assisting Miss Mary in the older Missy Mouse class.
Miss Katherine

I’m Katherine, from Connecticut in the northeast United States.

I came to Japan one and a half years ago and have been teaching English ever since.

I love music and art, but my hobby is sewing.

I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone at Beanstalk.

Santa Claus has come to Beanstalk!!




2007 Christmas partyのお知らせ。

International Preschool 12 月14日 12:30 保護者同伴でのランチパーティー。

Afternoon English Classes 12月15(土)〜12月21日(金)各レッスン時間内にて30分間。

We will be having our Christmas parties from mid-December!

For preschool students, we will be having a Christmas lunch party at 12:30 on Friday December 14th.

Afternoon classes will be having their Christmas parties for 30 minutes during the lessons of the week Dec 15 (Sat)~Dec 21(Fri). There will be a present exchange so please bring a present of up to 500 yen value.