Zoo Phonics wins an award!

Teachers' Choice Award 2011この度私どもの使用するプリスクール用教材Zoo-phonics Preschool Kit が,
全米教師の愛読書「ラーニング•マガジン Learning Magazine」にて312種類の教材の中からナンバー1に選ばれました。
Beanstalk International School / Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East校では、Zoo-phonicsの高い効果に着目し、開校当初からプリスクールとアフタヌーン英会話クラスに導入してきました。この受賞は私どもにとってもとても喜ばしいことです。

We are proud to announce that our Zoo-phonics® Preschool Kit won a Learning Magazine 2011 Teachers’ Choice for the Classroom Award.
The Zoo-phonics® Preschool Kit includes resources that develop alphabet, rhyming, pre-sound blending, and pre-writing skills, which components are the foundation of Zoo-phonics Academy’s preschool, kindergarten, and elementary programs in Japan.
Winners were selected by a panel of teacher-judges across America who tested 312 products in the classroom, evaluating them on quality, instructional value, ease of use, and innovation. Since 1994, when Learning Magazine first introduced Teachers’ Choice Awards program, the program has grown to become one of the most recognized and prestigious awards in the educational market in the U.S.

Sports Day 2011

Last Saturday, January 22nd, we held our annual Beanstalk International School Sports day Festival.
Sports Day 2011

Many schools throughout Japan hold their sports festivals in October during regular school hours, however we decided to hold ours on a Saturday so that as many hard-working parents as possible could attend.
Happily for us and the children, many mothers, fathers, siblings and even grandparents were able to attend and participate in many games and races.

Sports Day 2011
Sports Day 2011
Sports Day 2011
Sports Day 2011

In the afternoon the parents and grandparents were treated to a display of athletic ability as the children showed off what they have learned on the horizontal bars and mats.
Sports Day 2011

After the games were over we had a drum performance from the Beanstalk Drum Company where they played some favorites we have heard before but also debuted a new song that they practiced just for this event; Glen Miller’s “In the Mood”, it was a fantastic rendition complete with cute little dance moves.

Sports Day 2011 Drums

We ended the event with a fun dance party where all the students, their families and the teachers danced together for a number of songs. It was a great time and we can’t wait for next year’s sports day.
Sports Day 2011

Winter School 2010-2011 report


Beanstalk International School held our annual Winter School from December 17, 2010, celebrating Christmas and New Year with many students and their friends.

お子様方には今回のテーマ ”体に良い食事と運動” に沿って、食育と運動について学んでいただき、健康的で充実した期間を過ごしていただきました。


This year’s winter school theme was healthy eating and exercise. The children learned about healthy life choices in an all English environment.

Along with many regular preschool students, we had many friends join from places that were quite far away, who were in Nagoya visiting relatives during the winter break. Many friendships were made as well as promised to meet again at Spring School 2011.

以下こちらの内容のご報告をさせていただきます。You can see some of the fun activities we did at winter school below.


お子様方に ”栄養場バランス良く適量を摂取する”事を学んでいただくため、どんな食べ物がどのような働きをするのかを実際の食物や写真で学び、フードピラミッドを作りました。自然と健康的な食事を好むよう普段からの習慣づけが大切です。最後には理想の献立を作り発表しました。



”たっぷり野菜のシーフードパエリア”, “ヘルシー•クリスマス•クッキー”, “ケーキ”, “七草がゆ” どれも美味しくできました。見た目も食欲をそそります!

We cooked 5 times during winter school! Each time we took our creations home to our parents. Among items on the menu were, Vegetable and Seafood Paella, Healthy Christmas Cookies, Cake,  and “Nanakusa Gayu”, which is a kind of Japanese traditional New Year rice pudding.




3月2011 Spring Schoolを実施いたします。詳細は1月25日にアップいたします。資料をご希望の方はスクールまでご連絡ください。

We will post information about Spring School 2011 at the end of January. If you would like information or apply for Spring School, please feel free to contact us.