Summer School 2008

Mosaic image of some of the fun things we are doing at Beanstalk Summer School 2008Two of the most popular activities at Summer School are the pool and cooking.

We are all having a lot of fun at the 2008 Beanstalk Summer School.

In one of the new activities this year, the children helped to make pancakes and they turned out to be very delicious!

Of course the pool was also one of the highlights and we were able to get some cool relief from the hot Nagoya summer almost every day. There are so many activities and fun things to do that the students are certainly sleeping very well every night during the 4 weeks of Summer School.

We had a special visit from Mr. Makino, a specialist physical education instructor, and he lead the children in some fun physical activities in the gym. As you can see from the photos below, the children got a good workout and had a lot of fun.

Mealtimes are great for bonding with new friends, and snack-time and lunchtime provided plenty of opportunities for this. Some children bring their own lunch from home prepared by their mother, and some students order the school lunch. Either way, it’s a great time to communicate with friends and teachers.

We made various crafts during summer school, including these bubble paint fans. Just in time to take to fireworks festivals.

7月21日からスタートした ’ 08 ビーンストーク サマースクールには、名古屋市内はもとより愛知県外のお友達も含め延べ100名を超える2歳から小3までのお友達に参加して頂き、スクール内は毎日子供達の笑顔と笑い声で溢れています。

Zoo-phonics を用いた英語レッスンの他、プールやクッキング、インドアジムでのエアロビクスや体操など、体を動かしながら覚える英語表現は、自然と身につき子供たちの記憶に残ります。おうちに帰ってさっそく覚えた英語を披露し、パパやママを驚かせているビーンストーク キッズがたくさん誕生しているようです。
