Summer School Report 1


We are having a great time here at Beanstalk International School’s Summer School!
Morikoro Park Trip 7/28

Spending our time playing in the pool…
Summer School Fun! Julyディーディーディアクラス(4〜6歳児)Deedee Deer Class

Reading lots of books and learning…
Summer School Fun! July小学生クラスElementary-age Class

Arts, crafts, and creative projects…
Summer School Fun! Julyミッシーマウスクラス(2〜3才児)Missy Mouse Class

and having lots of fun with our friends!
Summer School Fun! Julyロビーラビットクラス(3〜4才児)Robby Rabbit Class

Summer School Fun! July

ランチパーティーでは、自分たちで作ったお料理を食べました。当日の献立には、”Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”というストーリーに出てくる、ミートボールスパゲティーを選びました。当日は、とっても美味しく出来上がり、”Can I have seconds,please?”の声が続きました。
We had a lunch party in July, and based our lunch on the book “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs”. The students all enjoyed making and eating a lunch based on the humorous book.
Cooking Party 7/21
Cooking Party 7/21

On our trip to Morikoro Park on July 28th, we learned a lot about insects hands-on.
Morikoro Park Trip 7/28

Then, we made “bug whistles” with the Morikoro Park teachers. Thank you!
Morikoro Park Trip 7/28
Morikoro Park Trip 7/28

Field trip to the firestation 2010


Fire Station Visit 2010

On Monday October 18th, all the students at Beanstalk went on a field trip to the Tenpaku Fire Station.


We were treated to a demonstration of the fire fighting techniques and had a chance to do many exciting things like wear firefighter’s clothes and get inside a firetruck!
Fire Station Visit 2010

Fire Station Visit 2010
Fire Station Visit 2010
Fire Station Visit 2010

Thank you firemen for being so kind to us and for showing us a great time! We hope to see you again next year!

Our trip to the aquarium 2010

Our field trip to the aquarium
We had planned to collect chestnuts at a farm in Korankei for our autumn field trip this year. It rained the whole week before we were scheduled to go, so we resorted to “Plan B”, which was a  field trip to “Aquatoto Aquarium ” in Gifu prefecture.

We were able to get up really close and take a good look at many fish, including very large and unusual fish from all over the world.

ランチは施設内のレストランへ。貸し切り状態だった為、いつものLunch Songを歌いました。食事の際はお店の人もびっくりする位お利口さんでした。

After viewing all the different types of fish and the seal show we had lunch at one of the restaurants at the aquarium complex.  We had the whole place to ourselves and we sang our usual lunch song, much to the delight of the restaurant staff.

When we were leaving, the manager of the restaurant ran after us to express how impressed they were at how well behaved our students were during lunchtime.

さすがBeanstalk students!!

Deedee Deer class visits Morikoro Park

Last week the Deedee Deer students took a field trip to Morikoro park, an ecological themed park at the site of the Aichi Expo held in 2005.

Cutting bamboo at Morikoro park

One of the activities that we enjoyed was cutting through bamboo trees to make a telescope. It certainly looked easier than it was, but everybody tried really hard and eventually were able to cut through.

Morikoro park
Inside there were plenty of things to do from watching a robot show to investigating all the nooks and crannies of the multi-level discovery area. After a picnic lunch we rode the giant Ferris Wheel which took 15 minutes and we had fantastic views of all of Nagoya. Unfortunately it wasn’t such a clear day so we couldn’t see all the way back to our school, but we still were able to see a lots of cool things.
Everyone was well behaved and we rode the Linimo, Japan’s first maglev train service on the way home. Everybody had a great time and we are looking forward to going somewhere again soon.

Fire Station Visit

On Thursday November the 22nd, both Missy Mouse and Robby Rabbit class took a field trip to a fire station.

Missy Mouse class at the fire station
Missy Mouse class at the fire station

We watched a demonstration of firefighters climbing a tower and rescuing someone from a fire. We also got to have a close look at and climb inside what is apparently the newest most modern rescue fire truck in Aichi prefecture.

There was even more excitement when an emergency call came in while some of the students were inspecting the inside of an ambulance. The alarm bell went off and we all had to scramble off the ambulance quickly so that the medics could drive the ambulance away to the emergency.