サマースクール 2014











*1st -7/21〜7/25 W/T-Family and friends
7/21 ランチパーティー全学年対象

*2nd- 7/28〜8/1 W/T- Nature
7/29 もりころトリップ(バスチャーター) 外部生は4歳以上

*3rd – 8/18〜8/22 W/T-Journey
8/18 セントレア滑走路ツアー (バスチャーター) 外部生は5歳以上

*4th – 8/25〜8/29 W/T-Fantasy 
8/29 天白公園トリップ 外部生は4歳以上
英語お泊まり合宿 7/24-25 豊田市旭高原元気村 対象5歳から小5まで
アクティビティー:フィールドを利用したサッカーやその他の球技指導、アウトドアゲームなどの他、BBQやスターウォッチングも楽しみます! ニュージーランド人スポーツインストラクター、イギリス人ラグビーコーチ同行



It’s that time of year again! Beanstalk International School will open its doors for Summer School starting July 21st! We have 4 1-week sessions each with a different theme based in classic children’s stories. In addition to our math and reading practice, we will be doing lots of fun activities like swimming in the pool, arts and crafts, cooking, and going on trips to places like the Chubu Centrair Airport and even an overnight camping trip for older students! If you would like to attend, please call us at 052-808-9930 or fax the application form to 025-808-9931.
Click here to download the application form.


Summer School 2011 Applications Open



Applications for Beanstalk International School 2011 Summer School program are now open.

Our summer school program is held in an all English environment and is very popular with students from not only Nagoya and throughout Aichi prefecture, but also students from the Kanto (Tokyo) and Kansai (Osaka) regions.

Places in our all English summer school are of course limited to ensure quality teacher:student ratios and demand has exceeded supply for the past 3 years. With this in mind we have added a fifth summer school session this year to try and meet the growing demand.

The theme this year is “Things Around Us”, which is broken into smaller concepts each week. The session dates and themes, as well as special field trips are outlined below:

  • 1st Session 7/18~7/22The Seven Seas. On Tuesday the 19th we will take a trip to Minami Chita Beachland. If it rains we will go to the aquarium.
  • 2nd Session 7/25~7/29Things you find in the country. Thursday 28th we will take a trip to Morikoro Park.
  • 3rd Session 8/1~8/5Things you will find in the city. We will put on a dramatic play and create a little restaurant in the school.
  • 4th Session 8/22~8/26Things you will find in the house. We will do some cooking on the Thursday the 25th.
  • 5th Session 8/29~8/31Things in Space. We will go to the Science Museum on Tuesday the 30th.

Take a look at what we did during last year’s summer camp.

Applications can be made by telephone or email from today. Please see our contact page for our telephone number and email address.

Beanstalk International Schoolでは、下記の期間におきまして2011 Summer Schoolを開校いたします。今年は”Things around us”のテーマを設け、毎週身近な物をカテゴリー別に取り上げます。


  • 1st session 7/18~7/22 The Seven Seas
    19日(火) 南知多ビーチランド
  • 2nd session 7/25~7/29
    Things in the country. 28日(木)モリコロパーク
  • 3rd session 8/1~8/5 Things in the city. 4日(木)ランチパーティー *スクール内でレストラン•ドラマティック•プレイ ランチ付
  • 4th session 8/22~8/26 Things in the house.  25日(木)クッキングランチ付
  • 5th session 8/29~8/31 Things in space.  30日(火) 科学館
  • 通常クラス9:30〜14:30
    9:00〜9:20 1回600円 延長30分単位600円


レベル別各クラス12名( 教師2名)3歳〜小3 プリスクール内部生は2歳〜。但し母子分離の状態等によりお出かけイベントには参加していただけない場合があります。

特典!! 全日お申し込み頂いた方への特典として、延長料金をサービスさせていただきます。毎日18:00まで。先着で人数限定

毎年愛知県内はもちろん関東、関西からも参加して下さる方がいらっしゃいます。全米『Teacher’s Magazine』誌で2011「全米No.1メソッド」に選ばれたZoo-Phonicsでお子様の英語力を確実にアップさせましょう。


電話番号及びメールアドレスはビーンストークInternational School 連絡先ページに確認して下さい





Summer School 2010 update


We are now in the middle of our 2010 Nagoya summer school program. The theme this year is “Our environment”, with each of the 4 sessions concentrating on a subtheme.


1st Session

1st セッションでは、「トロピカル•アイランド」のテーマに沿って、沖縄のドーナツ「サーターアンダギー」を作ってお土産に持ち帰りました。

The theme of the first session of summer school was Tropical Islands”.  Okinawa is a tropical island in Japan, so we learned about that. We also made sata andagi, which are sweet deep fried buns of dough similar to doughnuts, native to Okinawa.

We all took turns at different stages of preparing them and they made great presents to take home at the end of the day.

Among the activities in the gym was an obstacle course relay race.

gym activities summerschool 2010

2nd session

2nd セッションでは「海の生物」をたくさん学習し、名古屋港水族館への校外学習も楽しみました。

Marine life was the theme of the second session, and we went for an excursion to the Nagoya Aquarium.
Aquarium 2010

Playing in the pool was one of the activities that the students looked forward to the most. It was a lot of fun, but also very tiring. Pool time at summer school 2010

We also has a lot of first time students, who, after initial nervousness, were able to relax and have a lot of fun while learning.





Summer School 2010 applications open

2010年度サマースクール in 名古屋開校案内
Due to places filling up quickly, we have decided to offer extra places in our popular summer school program in 2010.

One of the most popular summer school programs in Nagoya, students come from all over Aichi prefecture and also from neighboring prefectures to enjoy the All English All Day immersion environment.

Summer School dates this year are as follows:

  • 1st session: July 19th ~ July 23rd.
  • 2nd session: July 26th ~ July 30th. * We will be visiting the Nagoya aquarium on the 29th.
  • 3rd session: August 2nd ~ August 8th.
  • 4th session: August 23rd ~ August 27th.

Applications are accepted on a per week basis.

For information and applications, please call us on 052-808-9930

Come and join us for Nagoya’s premier summer school program!

下記日程においてBeanstalk Summer School Nagoya 2010を開校いたします。すでに満席のセッションもありますが、依然お問い合わせやご希望をたくさん頂戴するため、クラスを増設し若干名の募集をいたします。

1st セッション 7/19〜7/23 2nd セッション 7/26〜7/30  *29日は水族館へ校外学習
3rd セッション 8/2〜8/6 4th セッション 8/23〜8/27  5日単位でのお申し込み

cooling down at summer school



Summer school activities in Nagoya


TEL: 052 808 9930
FAX: 052 808 9931



サマースクールは楽しいアクティビティーがいっぱいです。 名古屋で幼児、小学生の英語サマースクールをお探しの方は、ビーンストークで夏休みを一緒に過ごしませんか!

Summer School 2009 applications opening


Beanstalk International Schoolでは、下記の期間に於きまして2009 Summer Schoolを開校いたします。これまで通りのZoo-phonicsをベースにしたPhonics、英会話学習、様々な科目を取り入れたLearning Centerの他、今回はBeanstalkのプログラムで特に定評のあるMathに重点を置き、日本の教育システムの中で見落とされがちなコンセプトをハンズオンで楽しく学習して頂きます。全てのプログラムを英語で行う事により、お子様の英語力にも磨きがかかり、前向きに楽しく学んでいただく事ができます。名古屋はもとより他府県からも毎回たくさんの方が参加される人気のプログラムです。

Continue reading “Summer School 2009 applications opening”