夏期休講について / Summer Break




This year, our summer holiday runs from August 3rd ~ 17th. During this time, no one will be at school to answer the telephone so if you need to contact us, please do so by email. We will be returning emails after summer break is finished.

Our address is : info@i-beanstalk.com

Lately there have been some problems with our emails being received in the junk folder rather than the inbox. If you are expecting a reply from us but it has not arrived yet, please check your junk folder and add our address to your list of safe senders. Thank you, and enjoy your summer vacation!

Winter School /ウィンタースクールのご案内

来る12月14日〜12月21日までの平日6日間、ビーンストーク インターナショナル スクールでは、ウィンタースクールを開校いたします。
We will be holding Winter School here at Beanstalk International School for 6 days, on December 14th and the 17th until the 21st.




This winter, the feats performed by the Olympic athletes are still fresh in our minds. At Beanstalk as well, we will be challenging a variety of sports with the theme of “The Olympics”. Because of the calendar, this year’s session will be shorter than usual, but promises to be very enjoyable for everyone who attends. This year, we are also offering the option to order school lunch and will be able to keep extended-stay students until 5:30 PM.






For details, please contact the school office at this number.
tel 052-808-9930

2012 Beanstalk Summer School Applications open!

2012 Beanstalk Summer School Applications open! サマースクール5/21より受付開始


「Animal Kingdom」という総合テーマの基、各セッションごとに下記のサブテーマを設け、それらについての知識を増やすと共に、実験的アプローチの楽しいアクティビティーをご用意しております。
電話: 052-808-9930 Eメール: info@i-beanstalk.com

Summer mosaic 1 Science Museum

Once again this year Beanstalk International School will be holding Summer School on the dates listed below. The students are immersed in an all English environment, and naturally absorb the language during the period of study.
Using the Zoo Phonics curriculum as its foundation, the Summer School course also delves into a variety of subjects in the learning centers, providing the children with a rich and educational experience.

Summer mosaic 2

The theme this year is “Animal Kingdom”, which is broken into smaller concepts each week. The session dates and themes, as well as special field trips are outlined below:

Beanstalk Summer School schedule

*1st session 7/19〜7/24 4日間
What is an animal? How did animals begin?動物ってなに? 動物の進化

*2nd session 7/25〜7/27 3日間
Insects. 昆虫の特徴
7/26 虫笛作り@もりころパーク Morikoro Park trip

*3rd session 7/30〜8/3 5日間
Birds&Reptiles 鳥類&爬虫類
7/31 サマーランチパーティー Lunch party@school

*4th session 8/20〜8/24 5日間
Mammal 哺乳類
8/23 東山動物園 Higashiyama Zoo trip

*5th session 8/27〜8/31 5日間
Fish&Crustacean 魚類•甲殻類
8/30 港水族館 Nagoya port aquarium

   9:00〜9:20 1回600円 延長30分単位600円


The new school year has started!

At the park


Happy Birthday!

We have so many new friends at school for the 2012 school year, and we are all very happy to meet them. We are going to have a fun and productive year.

At the park

On the swings

2012年春・2012年秋 インタナショナルプリスクール申し込み開始

ビーンストークのインターナショナル•プリスクール部門では、2012年4月以降の入学者を募集いたします 。


Missy Mouse Class

9:30〜14:30 フルデイ又は9:30〜12:30 のハーフデイ 週3日〜5日

3歳〜5歳のお子さまで英語学習経験のある方、習熟度や社会性などを考慮し、Robby Rabbit Class又は Deedee Deer Classへお入りいただく事が可能です。



Missy students during circle time



ビーンストークのインターナショナル•プリスクール部門では、2011年9月以降の入学者を若干名募集いたします 。合わせて2012年春の入学予約も受け付けます。スクール見学をご希望の方はお電話にて予約をおとり下さい。


Missy Mouse Class

9:30〜14:30 フルデイ又は9:30〜12:30 のハーフデイ 週3日〜5日

3歳〜5歳のお子さまで英語学習経験のある方、習熟度や社会性などを考慮し、Robby Rabbit Class又は Deedee Deer Classへお入りいただく事が可能です。



Busy final month of school year 2010

We had a very busy month at the end of the 2010 school year at Beanstalk International School


As we approached the end of the 2010 school year, with the graduation of the upper Deedee Deer class looming, we shared many fun activities throughout March that we think will make treasured memories for the students and also for their parents.

Hinamatsuri (Girls Festival)

Hinamatsuri craft
For the Hinamatsuri festival (March 3) we all made beautiful Odairi sama and Ohina sama dolls, for displaying them according to a custom that started during the Heian era.

Hinamatsuri is also known as Girl’s Day in Japan, and you can see from the look on the boy’s faces below that they were waiting for Boy’s Day which is May 5th.

The boys don't look too happy with their Hinamatsuri craft :)

Farewell trip

Throughout the year, the Deedee Deer and Robby Rabbit classes took part in a lot of activities together and some strong friendships were formed. So for this year’s farewell trip, Robby Rabbit class came along to enjoy one last excursion as a group before some of their friends graduated.


Year End performance practice

This year during the year end/graduation party, in addition to our usual musical and dance numbers, we decided to challenge ourselves and put on a play!
2010 end of school year performanceThe name of the play was “Stone Soup” and the students put a lot of hard work into practicing their lines.  Of course they also practiced the songs and dances, as you can see below.
2010 end of school year performance practice

Graduation Ceremony

2010 graduation ceremony


Here are some scenes from our very first Beanstalk school play.

Inaugural play at Beanstalk 2010 graduation party
Inaugural play at Beanstalk 2010 graduation party

From Beanstalk Staff

A hearty thank you to all the students and parents for all the hard work they put in throughout the 2010 school year. We look forward to watching the students grow and learn so much more throughout the 2011 school year.



ビーンストークのインターナショナル•プリスクール部門では、2011年4月以降の入学者を若干名募集いたします 。


Missy Mouse Class

9:30〜14:30 フルデイ又は9:30〜12:30 のハーフデイ 週3日〜5日

3歳〜5歳のお子さまで英語学習経験のある方、習熟度や社会性などを考慮し、Robby Rabbit Class又は Deedee Deer Classへお入りいただく事が可能です。





  • 園児ビギナークラス
    月曜日 16:00〜 プリスクール担当アメリカ人女性教師
  • 小学生ビギナークラス
    水曜日 16:00〜 プリスクール担当オーストラリア男性教師
  • 園児アッパービギナー
    水曜日 16:00〜 プリスクール担当アメリカ人女性教師
  • 小学生アッパービギナー
    木曜日 16:00〜 小•中学生英語教育に精通の日本人女性教師
  • プリキンダークラス(未就園児)
    木曜日 14:50〜プリスクール担当オーストラリア男性教師



Zoo Phonics wins an award!

Teachers' Choice Award 2011この度私どもの使用するプリスクール用教材Zoo-phonics Preschool Kit が,
全米教師の愛読書「ラーニング•マガジン Learning Magazine」にて312種類の教材の中からナンバー1に選ばれました。
Beanstalk International School / Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East校では、Zoo-phonicsの高い効果に着目し、開校当初からプリスクールとアフタヌーン英会話クラスに導入してきました。この受賞は私どもにとってもとても喜ばしいことです。

We are proud to announce that our Zoo-phonics® Preschool Kit won a Learning Magazine 2011 Teachers’ Choice for the Classroom Award.
The Zoo-phonics® Preschool Kit includes resources that develop alphabet, rhyming, pre-sound blending, and pre-writing skills, which components are the foundation of Zoo-phonics Academy’s preschool, kindergarten, and elementary programs in Japan.
Winners were selected by a panel of teacher-judges across America who tested 312 products in the classroom, evaluating them on quality, instructional value, ease of use, and innovation. Since 1994, when Learning Magazine first introduced Teachers’ Choice Awards program, the program has grown to become one of the most recognized and prestigious awards in the educational market in the U.S.