Zoo Phonics wins an award!

Teachers' Choice Award 2011この度私どもの使用するプリスクール用教材Zoo-phonics Preschool Kit が,
全米教師の愛読書「ラーニング•マガジン Learning Magazine」にて312種類の教材の中からナンバー1に選ばれました。
Beanstalk International School / Zoo-phonics Academy Nagoya East校では、Zoo-phonicsの高い効果に着目し、開校当初からプリスクールとアフタヌーン英会話クラスに導入してきました。この受賞は私どもにとってもとても喜ばしいことです。

We are proud to announce that our Zoo-phonics® Preschool Kit won a Learning Magazine 2011 Teachers’ Choice for the Classroom Award.
The Zoo-phonics® Preschool Kit includes resources that develop alphabet, rhyming, pre-sound blending, and pre-writing skills, which components are the foundation of Zoo-phonics Academy’s preschool, kindergarten, and elementary programs in Japan.
Winners were selected by a panel of teacher-judges across America who tested 312 products in the classroom, evaluating them on quality, instructional value, ease of use, and innovation. Since 1994, when Learning Magazine first introduced Teachers’ Choice Awards program, the program has grown to become one of the most recognized and prestigious awards in the educational market in the U.S.